
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting

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Experiencing an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meeting was something quite unlike any of my previous experiences. Before I had entered the small room packed with people from wall to wall, my thoughts were soaring. They drifted from “this is most likely going to be extremely scary” to “how am I supposed to face these people who are suffering so badly, as if it’s no big deal.” I expected the stereotypical scene: small gathered circle, people crying, a table of pastries to the side of the room, and most importantly an extremely tense atmosphere. I expected the people in this meeting to look down at me, as I looked so much younger than they were. I projected the room to be filled with a sadness and intensity like no other. Before entering, I felt nervous, scared, and also excited for what I was about to encounter. Most of my expectations, however, did not occur. …show more content…

The first thing I noticed was how small the room was; more than two dozen chairs were lined up against all the walls of the room and in the center was a special table with a microphone on top of it. The meeting I went to was a speaker meeting, which meant one individual told his story of his life and how he came to be in AA. So sitting there in the centered table was the speaker. I made sure to not make eye contact as my eyes roamed to inspect the room. I felt a little tense, but then realized no one else did. At the moment I thought of how devastating what these people were going through was. I suddenly felt a pang of sadness as I scanned the room and noticed how completely ordinary the individuals in the room

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