
Alcoholism And Adolescent Effects

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The negative effects of alcoholic parents on adolescents and teenagers on low and high economic status.

Alcoholism has immense negative affects to the teenage body, especially the brain, heart, lungs, liver, pancreas, intestines and lungs. The brain is negatively affects by alcohol consumption. The Corpus Callosum includes interference on paths of communication and motor skills, which inherently disrupts the mood greatly. Stroke, high blood pressure, cardiomyopathy, and arrhythmias are frequent symptoms within alcoholics. These symptoms are a bad start for teenagers with their future health. There are may critical health issues that can develop with alcohol. Inflammation of the pancreas and intestines could develop risk of ulcers. However, …show more content…

This states that children are products of their environment while watching their parents consume alcohol, they are mentored at a young age thinking that it’s ok to drink alcohol. High income translates to more work and less times spent with their children. Adolescence is the time to prevent the negative effects alcohol. This is the time to teach kids the importance of consequences. Parents must be always involved with their children's lives; Uninvolved Parenting will decrease chances of children realizing the effects of early onset teenage alcoholism. Educating the children about the family's wealth is also Important. If children have the mentality of the family's wealth and taught responsibility, children will less likely to attain bad habits. Working also can be engrained in a child. Little things such as outdoor activities and games help children enrich his/her thinking and will benefit the child in the upcoming teenage years. Prevention is key in fighting teenage drinking. By educating while they are young makes it less likely they will succumb to this deadly habit. A study revealed that that 70% of 15-year-olds with affluent backgrounds already consumed alcohol; where 50% is only consumed by their counterparts. The study also concluded that affluent teens double the regular consumption of alcohol, making it a …show more content…

Teenagers growing up and witnessed their parents consumed alcohol would become second nature with them. Affluent families use the “European Parenting Model”, which allows teenagers to consume alcohol within their homes and experience alcohol's negative effects. This an example of nurture, which leads to a path to teenage alcoholism. With this parental practice, teenagers will assimilate drinking into their young lives, which will follow them through adulthood. Accommodation of this practice tends to make the negative cycle of teenage alcoholism prevalent in affluent, caucasian

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