
Aleryani. Coach Will Rikard. British Literature. 25 January

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Coach Will Rikard
British Literature
25 January 2017
Robert Frost

Inspired by many great ones before him, Robert Lee Frost reached the pinnacle of literary and poetic greatness. He lived a life full of suffering, lost most of his loved ones, and even thought of suicide at one point. He loved one woman for forty years. He suffered from depression when he recited "Twilight" to her and she demurred him. Robert Frost 's aesthetic view on the world in his poem "stopping by woods on a snowy evening" is linked to his modernism projected in "The Road Not Taken" (Robert Frost 's concept of choice and modernism can be seen in his poems "Road Not Taken" and "Stopping by Woods On A Snowy Evening.")
William Prescott, Frost 's father, was a …show more content…

He received more than forty honorary degrees, and was even invited the inauguration of John F. Kennedy where he wrote "The Gift Outright." Gerber Philip said this in his biography:

As Frost ponders the lot of individual man, he stresses the human being as an entity. One among many, man yet remains single and alone with his fate. Life holds the possibility of terror and the potential of beauty. To know which it is to be, man first must educate himself. He must learn his place among the final truths of existence. Only by knowing these varieties for what they are can he work toward acceptance of them and his own lot (Gerber).

Frost 's poems seemed like dark meditations on common unsaid thoughts; he is a modern poet that seemed ahead of his time in the standard to which his work is inscribed with ambiguity and how abstract it was.

Frost 's poetry uniqueness is what makes it adored by most literary scholars. His poetry 's simplicity along with its ambiguity makes it so unique that his poetry was thought to be transcendental at one point in history. He was said to have enriched his style by setting natural meters against of speech against traditional meters. Religion to Frost was not an important factor in writing or living, in fact, he was an atheist for the longest time. He always said that real meaning was the most obvious.
Modernism is an English genre of fiction, which

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