
Alexander Hamilton Federalist

Decent Essays

The Federalist Alexander Hamilton was born in the British West Indies. Hamilton grew into poverty while developing his educated life. When Hamilton was a young adult, he fled to New York and attended Kings College. He soon became an aide for General George Washington during the American Revolutionary War. Once George Washington was selected the First President of the United States of America, Washington had a close relationship with Hamilton and he elected Hamilton to be the Secretary of Treasury. In 1789, America had a tremendous debt, but Hamilton quickly thought of a financial plan. He had a vision for America and a political view of the constitution. Once Hamilton grew into the political life he became a member of the Federalist …show more content…

He decided to use a tariff. "A tariff was a tax on imported goods" (McDougal Littell, 296) Many Americans were outraged because they got supplies from traded goods and they would be taxed when they should not be. In the Articles of Confederation, there is a section that provides information about taxing the Americans. In Article 1; Section 8 it states “The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties and excises to pay the debts…” (McDougal Littell, 253). It was approved to tax the states to pay debts. The Articles of Confederation was used to confirm that the 13 states had more power than the government. This was confirmed because before the Revolutionary War, Britain took control of the 13 states and the states were treated very poorly. King James was a cause of religious persecution. Also, the colonist (Americans) did not have any rights of freedom. Hamilton had a vision for America. He wanted a successful nation. As growing up in Britain, Britain assembled factories and manufactures. Hamilton requested America to build factories. Hamilton did have a political view for the constitution. Since he was a federalist he believed that the government deserved more power. He admired to have the powers separated and have one person in charge. This can connect back to Thomas Hobbes’ philosophy “…or that he cannot be content with a moderate power.” (Thomas Hobbes) Thomas Hobbes implies that no power shall be shared. The states will only have certain powers. The states will still have rights, but not all of the rights. Hamilton stands strong in

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