
Alexander Hamilton Research Paper

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The history of America was written in part by the results of Alexander Hamilton’s actions which were driven by his traits of loyalty, determination, and arrogance. In many ways Hamilton’s character aligns with that of the young United States. His decisions during the Revolutionary War and during America’s infancy reflect his loyalty to his country, his determination to see its ideals succeed, and his arrogance regarding his own ability in achieving his dream for America. Hamilton’s childhood molded his traits of loyalty, determination, and arrogance. Hamilton was born as an illegitimate son on January 11th, 1755, on the British Island of Nevis in the Caribbean to James Hamilton and Rachel Levine. The deck was stacked against him from the day …show more content…

At only thirteen, he was already working to better his future and secure relations with powerful nations. He believed that working there would help him get into a good college, preferable in America, and he was right. He later stated that he thought working at the trading firm was the most important part of his education where he learned facts of “global economic life, commodity prices, cash flow, exchange rates, bill collecting, and smuggling.” (Magnet, city journal) With little doubt in his young ability, Hamilton took over the company at age sixteen when his boss …show more content…

After seeing a documentation Hamilton had written after a devastating hurricane in his town, he was sent to Kings College in New York with a full scholarship. However, upon arriving in New York, was immediately infatuated with the potential American Revolution and was willing to forfeit his education to contribute to the American cause. He dropped out of college, which he had been working toward his whole life, to join the Sons of Liberty. He was just like his country, “young scrappy and hungry” (Miranda, McCarter, ) and was willing to risk everything for it. Hamilton also showed loyalty to George Washington in order to help his country and because Washington stood for what Hamilton was determined to be. Washington agreed that Hamilton was “trustworthy and loyal” (Kline, 50) and recognized his abilities. He asked Hamilton to be his Aide De Camp, or right hand man on March 1st, 1777. As Aide De Camp, he wrote letters to soldiers, generals, and Congress, and outlined plans for a government for America. An idea Hamilton was loyal to was a representative democracy. However talented Hamilton was at writing, he still wanted to “fight not write”(Miranda, McCarter) but he did it anyway because he knew he was needed to help the war effort and put his loyalty to America’s ideals before

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