
Alexander The Great: 33 Years Of Age

Decent Essays

In culture today and throughout history, more often than not the concept of youth is associated with immaturity, and correlatively an inability to achieve success at the level of someone more mature in age. Alexander the Great defeated this stigma over the course of his 33 years of life, so consequently, when given the opportunity to do a research paper on a subject of my own choosing, it did not take much thought to make my selection on a topic. Though young in age, the Macedonian king’s great and unmatched ambition and determination have made him arguably one of history’s most brilliant and powerful rulers, with the effects of his reign influencing still what is known as present-day western society and culture.
Born July 20, 356 B.C., to parents King Philip II of Macedon and Queen Olympia, young Alexander lived the early years of his life in the lap of luxury that was the Pella region of Macedonia’s royal court. He alongside his sister were raised with a mother that was ever present and consequently became their most powerful role model, while their father spent the majority of their childhood involved in military as well as extramarital affairs. Being that in this time period education was reserved specifically for those in states of wealth, the education of Alexander was something of importance to his mother and father. …show more content…

In exactly 338 B.C., Alexander came into his first position of leadership in taking charge of the Companion Cavalry, a military unit made up of Macedonian nobility who had served the king well in prior battles, and through his military expertise and ability to command the respect and attention of the men he led, the unit, alongside King Philip II’s army were able to defeat both the Athenian and Theban armies at the battle in

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