
Alexie And Arnold Compare And Contrast

Decent Essays

Arnold from the book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian and Verity from Code Name Verity never met each other, their books take place on complete opposite sides of the earth and are separated by over seventy years, but they have much more in common than one might think. Although Verity and Arnold have many similar traits, one of their most prominent traits that they have in common is that they are both brave. “‘I want to go to Reardan‘ I said. Reardan is the rich white town… They have one of the best small schools in the state, with a computer room and a huge chemistry room.” (Alexie 45-46) In The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, Arnold is approached by one of his teachers and he is told that he is a brilliant student, …show more content…

This snippet of a conversation takes place after Arnold realizes that the rez is going nowhere and has no hope. “I had to multiply the hope…’where is the most hope?’ I asked him, ‘son you are going to find more and more hope the farther and farther you go from this sad, sad place.” (Alexie 43) In the line “I had to multiply the hope” Arnold realizes that he was the only person who could jumpstart the rez. Realizing that he must switch schools not only for his own sake, but instead, for the sake of the rez. He knows that he cannot fail, since (although they may not know it,) the future of the rez depends on him. Verity preserves through her predicament, but in a much slyer way. This paints her as a more weasley character, taking advantage of intellectual superiority whenever she can. “Lie! Lie! Save yourself and lie!” (Wein 190) This is a quote of Verity’s to a fellow prisoner who is being brutally tortured for information. This quote could be put here to indicate that Verity has been lying with her information throughout the book, feeding the Nazi’s false information in attempts to survive without being horrendously beaten in the torture/interrogation

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