
Ali James. Advanced Composition B1. Mrs. Provost. 22 February

Good Essays

Ali James
Advanced Composition B1
Mrs. Provost
22 February 2017
Tablets Are Necessary in Classrooms Tablets in schools come with many pros and cons but ultimately, the world is becoming more and more advanced and technological. Schools need to keep up with the changes going on in the world. Tablets are extremely imperative in schools. People may view tablets as overly expensive, however, they are actually very cost-beneficial. Tablets allow for more learning in the classrooms, give students more and easier ways to learn and access information, and help students with disabilities that struggle in the standard classroom. Growing up for children who are now in their older teens and even their twenties, they never had devices to use in the …show more content…

Having everything in one place allows for more class time to collaborate and also allows for parents to stay on top of their child’s assignments and grades. First of all, tablets allow for parents to stay on top of the child’s schoolwork and frees up class time for collaboration rather than book work which can be done at home on a tablet. For example, in an article by Ingram Micro, a global technology chain who is very informed on tablets, stated “posting material and assignments online saves time and ensures paperwork isn’t lost. Students can access materials when they want them and even share information with classmates online” (Peng2). Schoolwork is very accessible from home and saves time in the classroom. Tablets also helps improve communication between home and school. Students know how easy it is to leave a folder at home or at least use that excuse when they have forgotten to do their homework. In an article titled 21 Reasons to Use Tablets in the 21st Century Classroom by Julie DeNeen, a former teacher who taught workshops on the use of technology in the classroom, explains “It may be easy to lose a handwritten note or assignment, but as the tablet goes back and forth between home and school, parents can monitor their children’s assignments, teachers can notify parents, and all around connections can be sustained” (DeNeen5). It is very easy for parents to stay on top of school work and help their child get their work done through the use of

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