
Alice Walker's Essay 'In Search Of Our Mothers' Garden

Decent Essays

Alice Walker was a very talented and gifted women. One of the essays I read is “In Search of Our Mothers’ Garden”. This is one of many incredible writings that she did. She writes this essay because she believes that African American women have been stripped and cheated from being able to show off their gifts. She got this idea because of Jean Toomer. He was an African American writer who visited the South and saw that these women were not actually crazy, or pitiful women, but blessed with gifts that they were unconscious of. Alice Walker said “they were themselves unaware of the richness they held.” (ISOOMGpp.164). There are the reasons why they were deprived from manifesting their gifts. One reason is because they were people of color, another because they were women, and the last reason was because they were economically poor. Being a person of color back than you had no rights. You were sheltered from trying to learn anything. Americans believed that African Americans shouldn't have the privilege of learning their language, which would restrict them from becoming intellectually smart than just knowing how to work. They were not seen as humanity but objects that can be owned and sold for labor work. The purpose for African Americans …show more content…

Women are seen less than men even in the American culture. Being an African American women meant that you don't even exist. Women were sought out to be taken advantage of and abused. Their lives were to be made as if they did not matter. Alice Walker talked about how spiritually strong they became because of they were they were being treated. Their spirituality was something that gave them purpose and strength. It was what Jean saw that made him see potential in them. Although these women were not able to read or write, they were blessed with the privilege to sing and could not imagine how their life would have been if their voices were stripped as

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