
All Eyes on Holly Essay example

Decent Essays

In Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote, Holly Golightly’ s life isn’t directly told from her point of view, but her life is told by various people within the novel; as a result, this causes a difference between storytelling and point of view. Holly’s life is told from three character’s point of view within the novel. The difference between these points of views and storytelling will be revealed in this essay. The narrator tells his experiences with Holly and her weaknesses and strengths from his point of view. He enjoys the company of Holly and will do practically anything for her. The Narrator reminds Holly of her brother Fred (20). The friendship between Holly and the Narrator is shown throughout the novel. The narrator has a …show more content…

In contrast, the story portrays Holly as a confused individual who is lost within the troubles of the world. Even though Holly tries her best to make it through life day by day, she is always thwarted with a problem that hinders her from being happy. According to the book, Holly encounters problems on a daily basis. Whether the problem is a drunken guy who claims to love and stalk her or a sad memory that plagues Holly’s mental state, there is always something in Holly’s path to success and happiness. The reader can clearly see how different the story tells Holly’s personality and life compared to how Berman views her. The point of view about Holly from I.Y. Yunioshi is completely different from how she is told in the story. I.Y. Yunioshi finds Holly to be very annoying (11). Yunioshi is constantly complaining to Holly because of the activities that she does within the building and the empty promises that Holly gives Yunioshi. Mr. Yunioshi has patience and tolerance towards Holly, but his kindness runs out when Holly fails to give in to his demands and wishes. Holly ignores Mr. Yunioshi and her consequence for ignoring him is a trip to jail and constant barrages of annoyance from the Paparazzi. Even though Holly appears to be lost and reluctant to give I.Y. Yunioshi what he wants, the reader can clearly see why Holly doesn’t give Yunioshi what he wants because Holly really has a busy and hectic life based on the how

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