
Allegorical Message In The Masque Of The Red Death

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The “Red Death” is a scary, brutal disease that is very deadly. People are suffering tremendously from this disease, except Prince Prospero and his wealthy friends. Will they survive the tragedy or be taken along with the “Red Death.” They believe their wealth will stop death from occurring to them. In “The Masque of the Red Death,” Edgar Allen Poe develops the allegorical message that wealthy people are self-centered. Laura is a know it all
Poe reveals the allegorical message of the rooms to prove that wealthy people are selfish. The different colors of the all the rooms in the abbey is an allegorical message. From east to west, the colors of the rooms represent the beginning of life to the end of life. The seventh room “was closely shrouded in black velvet tapestries that hung all over the ceiling and down the walls, falling in heavy folds upon a carpet of the same material and hue. But in this chamber only, the color of the windows failed to correspond with the decorations. The panes here were scarlet --a deep blood color” (Poe 4). Poe shows that the seventh room represents death and sorrow. Using allegorical phrases, he shows that wealthy people are selfish because they are partying in all of the rooms, except the black room which represents death. In “The Masque of the Red Death,” the masquerade ball is an example of masking the death and despair on the outside of the duke’s castle. It is an example of Prince Prospero’s first attempts to hide from death. Wealthy

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