
Allegory In Animal Farm And The Real World

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While studying the evolution of man, and the development of a wide range of behaviours within the human species, natural selection favours cultures that pursue aggressive tendencies over peaceful ideals. In Animal Farm, author George Orwell portrays an allegory of the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin and his attempts to remodel a society based on his needs. The well-intentioned attempt by Old Major to establish a utopia is thwarted by the pigs and in their blind ambition. The pigs, led by Napoleon, institute a vocabulary aided by collective and individual action to control the other animals in the pursuit for power . Within Animal Farm and the real world, a utopian society is not possible. A place where everyone is equal cannot be achieved due to the range in intellect between members of …show more content…

The animals that are better adapted to their environment in Animal Farm have a higher chance of thriving. By changing the seventh commandment to “all animals are equal but some are more equal than others.” (101), it demonstrates how an individual with a certain value can be more equal then someone else. An animal with a specific skill set, such as intelligence, can out-compete another animal that has strength. The pigs use fear and aggression as a way to maintain ultimate power over the animals. Under Napoleon’s command the “fierce, growling dogs [roam] everywhere.” On frequent occasions, the working class animals have “ to watch [their] comrades torn to pieces after confessing to shocking crimes.“ (58) By spreading fear while being aggressive towards the farm animals, the pigs ensure every animal’s full cooperation. This enables the pigs to avoid conflict by keeping the animals in check. With the smell of death in the air, the uninformed animals are always kept in the dark and are constantly being cheated of better lives by the

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