
Allergic Rhinitis Case Study

Decent Essays

Letter to Dr. [Name].

Pleasure to have seen [Name] who has almost life long allergic rhinitis symptoms exasperating in the spring, with more cough symptoms in the winter. Itchy, sneezing, watery nose and eyes with the emphasis on nasal congestion is the major problem.

Terbinate reduction 2 years ago by Dr. [Name] was helpful, but [Name] would like to have an allergy evaluation, possibly injection therapy. The cough in the winter can be daily. He is on lisinopril and describes the cough as a tickle cough in the neck area anteriorly.

He is also on hydrochlorothiazide. _____ on Zyrtec, Mucinex, Flonase.

No known allergens by clinical history.

[Name] is treated once or twice per year for arthritis associated with his HLA-B27 _____ (half) …show more content…

Sleep apnea diagnosed 2001, and he is doing well on CPAP. Fused SI joint due to the HLA-B27. Chin implant 1987, _____([Name], [Place]). More recently thyroid has been checked as being normal.

He has had the Zoster immunization recently and booster Tetanus Pertussis vaccine, and is up-to-date on all well-patient care.

Family history is minimally positive for allergic rhinitis and his father had some eczema as well. He was a heavy smoker and had some emphysema, otherwise no other problems referring to allergies.

Pulmonary function vital capacity 100%. FEV1 97%. FEF25-75 81%. After bronchodilators -2%, +1%, +10% respectively. This is not a significant improvement after bronchodilators. The _____ ( *ovine) curve is fairly normal with a fair amount of _____ ( that the end of expiration which more often is seen with vocal cord irritation. However, there is no other medical symptoms consistent with vocal cords at this time.

Physical vital signs: Normal.
Blood pressure 117/78, height 66, weight 190.
Normal examination, no pain over sinuses, no noises heard over the neck. Rest of examination normal. Chest

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