Ally Nickerson is in the 6th grade at her seventh school of her life. Before her new teacher, Ally dreaded school and created clever distractions that sent her to the office instead of doing her school work. Mrs. Hall is taking administrative leave for she is about to give birth to a baby. Her replacement is Mr. Daniels who finds the inner Ally. Instead of sending Ally to the office, Mr. Daniels tries to help her. He finds many different ways to engage her with her disability. For example he invites her to play chess after school with him. Ally finds chess very interesting because she can make her plans all in her head. Ally gets to know two new friends this school year, Kiesha and Albert. Albert has some hidden secrets. He shows up everyday
A new principal was hired at Kristina's elementary school, he was also her 4th grade teacher. He respected Kristina's opinion and listened to her pitch,
Paul sees that while the schedules and classes at Tangerine Middle School are the same as at Lake Windsor Middle School, the two schools are very different. At Tangerine Middle School, boys and girls play on the same teams. Theresa proudly tells Paul that last year the soccer team placed second in the county.After school, Theresa introduces Paul to the team coach, Ms. After practice, Paul panics when he spots his mother leaving the school office.But, she tells him that, as she was transporting it, the IEP that he does not want Tangerine Middle School to have disappeared out of his folder somewhere between Lake Windsor Middle School and Tangerine Middle School.The next day,When
Heather tells Melinda that they can’t be friends anymore and Melinda gets mad because she feels like she is the one who took Heather under wing since she was brand new to the area and didn’t know anyone. Now Heather goes to sit with “The Martha” group and Melinda is left to sit by herself at lunch every day. Melinda starts getting depressed that she has nobody to talk to and she starts skipping class and getting bad grades, her parents and teachers notice this new change in her but think she is just trying to get attention from them so they just sort of ignore it but her art teacher doesn’t and encourages her to speak and show her expressions through her artwork. Melinda then becomes friends with a guy names David Petrakis who is her lab partner in science and he is pushes Melinda to speak up. A little while later Melinda sees her old friend from middle school, Rachel start dating Andy Evans, the boy who raped her and she wants to worn her but doesn’t want to speak so she tells her by passing notes to her while they are in the
Scott overhears Kelly, Julia’s best friend, asking Julia is she finished her book review. The only people that do book reviews is the club that writes the school newspapers. Therefore, Scott decides to join the school newspaper club, so he can try to get closer to Julia, only to learn that Julia was a guest and never actually joined the club. Scott also finds out that Kelly and Julia are planning to join the drama club. By giving Scott another chance to get closer to Julia, he decides to join the drama club. After a horrible performance, Scott joins the stage crew, later to find out that Julia did not even make the cut. After failing twice trying to get closer to Julia, Scott finds out that Julia is running for student council. So again, Scott decided to run too. As usual, Julia does not make student council and Scott does. With piles of homework, a new baby brother on the way, and tons of activities to do Scott is barely getting enough sleep. After learning how hard starting high school was for him, Scott decides to start a survival guide for his upcoming younger brother. Later in the year, a new girl, named Lee, comes to J.P. Zenger High
All the sudden her teacher, Mrs.Woods, said , “Ally, are you okay?” Her entire class stared at her .
August Pullman is a 10-year-old boy who has a mandibulofacial dysostosis. Which causes his face to appear different. Because of Auggie’ appearance, people a very unkind to him. Auggie has gotten 27 surgeries to help him with his facial deformity. He lives with his parents, his older sister Via, and his dog Daisy. Auggie has been home schooled up until the 5th grade, but his parents decide it's time for him to go to a real school. They register him to Beecher Prep and take him to meet the principal, Mr. Tushman. Before Auggie starts school he takes a tour with three students who will be in the same grade as he was going in. On the tour, he meets Jack Will, Charlotte, and Julian. Jack Will was the kind kid, but Julian was really mean to
Jenna starts school and meets many new people whom she can reside with. She meets Ethan, a normal boy with a dark secret, whom she later falls in love with. She also meets Ally. Jenna grows particularly fond of Allys as they are similar to each other. Allys has many prosthetics as she is very sick, and
The moment when the brothers meet Carrie Davis, is one that leads to many triumphs. She serves not only as their job coach, but also as their friend and mentor. She teaches them about many things such as; using a telephone, knocking and waiting to be invited in, and ultimately that a good friend can get you through anything. Watching this movie in the mindset of an ELL teacher it helps me to envision what my students might face.
, one can discover how a girl’s actions brought her things that she did not desire. Oates reveals how actions have consequences and one will receive what one deserves. The main characters Connie and Arnold Friend showcase what their consequences were for the actions that they displayed. Connie is a fifteen year old “spoiled daughter
Dystopian Adaptation in the Face of Restriction In Matched, by Ally Condie, Cassia’s life is on a railroad track designed by the leaders of a perfect society, so she can reach her optimal potential. However, Cassia soon finds herself feeling impossibly unique against the uniform Society; she is the only citizen to be matched on her birthday, the only person to be matched to someone in her hometown, and the only one to be matched with two soul mates. Cassia emerges into dangers as she grows closer to her secret soulmate--whispering untold stories and conspiring with him about his dangerous past as he teaches her to write. No one's supposed to be able to write, compose, paint, or sing in the perfect society; there’s just not enough room for everyone
During the course of the school year, Charlie has his first date and his first kiss, he deals with bullies, he experiments with drugs and drinking, and he makes friends, loses them, and gains them back. Sam and Patrick smoke very often. Charlie likes Sam a lot but she begins to date an older boy named Craig, until she learns he has been cheating on her the whole time. Craig's friend, Peter, told him enough was enough and that if Craig didn't tell Sam, he would. He ended up telling her and they broke up. Patrick is homosexual. His partner, Brad, is a closeted homosexual that has to abuse drugs
Her first foster home is with a mother named Star. Star is a busty, and leggy, ex-coke addict turned Christian. Star has a boyfriend named Ray, and Astrid falls in love with him. Astrid, 13, has an affair with the 40-something Ray. Star gets jealous of their friendship and gets suspicious. One day, Star comes in, in a drunken rage and
Duke, her boyfriend in her first future, dates Addie because he believes she can tell him his future. He is deciding on which college to go to. Addie can only use her ability for herself but, he does not know that and beloved
Meantime, her mother is no help; beating her at will, and satisfying her own bizarre sexual needs from her daughter. Schools have also all failed her; teachers find her ``uncooperative,'' and she considers her last a ``retarded hoe.'' Finally, Precious enrolls in a Harlem alternative school where she begins the tough climb out of illiteracy. No longer dreaming impossible ideas about rappers and movie star fame, she joins six others in a basic-skills class run by Blue Rain, a self-proclaimed lesbian who isn't afraid to editorialize in class. In short order, Precious discovers the joys of the alphabet and journal-writing, the pleasures of owning books and composing poetry. Although she raises herself to a seventh-grade level by narrative's end, she also finds out she's HIV positive.
Jessica is the new girl, while Alexia is popular and bratty. Peter is the class clown, while his friend Luke is the smart kid and a total nerd. Danielle is shy and has a hard time standing up for herself. Anna is an outcast because of her home situation, and Jeffery hates everything. Mr. Terupt is the new teacher who knows how to deal with them all. The class wanted to have a great year with their new favorite teacher, but then a playful joke turns into a possibly fatal freak accident. So, the kids grow very close to each other as they hold onto hope that their teacher will be okay.