
Alternative Dispute Resolution : Argument Resolution

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Alternative Dispute Resolution is an increasingly accepted option that allows people to resolve disputes outside of court in a helpful manner. ADR can be faster, cheaper and less stressful than going to court. Most essentially, the use of ADR can provide greater fulfillment with the way disputes are resolved.
Purpose of ADR
• Reduce costs of the arbitration process to reduce overcrowding in the courts.
• Create a speedier and more efficient forum in which to resolve the civil disputes.
Alternative Dispute Resolution refers settling disputes outside of the courtroom. ADR typically includes early neutral evaluation, negotiation, conciliation, mediation, and arbitration. As burgeoning court queues, rising costs of litigation, and time delays continue to plague litigants, more states have begun experimenting with ADR programs. Some of these programs are voluntary others are mandatory.
The two most common forms of ADR are arbitration and mediation, negotiation is almost always attempted first to resolve a dispute. It is the preeminent mode of dispute resolution. Negotiation allows the parties to meet in order to settle a dispute. The main advantage of this form of dispute settlement is that it allows the parties themselves to control the process and the solution.
Mediation is also an informal alternative to litigation. Mediators are individuals trained in negotiations, which bring opposing parties together and attempt to work out a settlement or agreement that both

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