
Always Running Grillo Quotes

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Throughout the novel Always Running by Luis J Rodriguez, Grillo the main character is trying to find a way out of the gang life, to find a better life for his family and himself. While Grillo was trying to find a way out the gang life he falls into drugs Grillo starts doing drugs to suppress his issues in life with his family, school, and himself. Grillo also faces the death of his friends, and participates in violent crimes with his friends. As a result of Grillo doing drugs, facing the death of his friends, and participating in violent crimes with his friends, his character changes a great deal within the novel. Growing up Grillo faces many issues in his life with school and at home with his parents wanting to get divorced. His problems begin when he first starts school as a young boy. As Grillo grows into his teen years his mom finds out that he is doing drugs and gets kicked out of his house and begins to sleeps in the streets, during this time Grillo felt like a worthless person so he started doing more drugs to suppress his problems to make him feel better. On page 103 it states “ i didn’t want it to end, as the effect wore thin, i grabbed the spray and the bag and …show more content…

As soon as Grillo got jumped in he began to commit so many crimes with his friends. Throughout this time of violence Grillo faces the death of multiple friends one of his friends that was killed was Little Man, he was killed by a rival gang named Los Diablos. On page 117 it states “ the night before tutti from Los Diablos had gotten into a big time argument with his long time girlfriend cokie, In anger, tutti drove up to Las Lomas and shot little man killing him instantly”. Grillo has faced the death of friends before Little Man and it seems to me like he doesn't really care about all the lives being lost around him, it seems as if he is being selfish and only cares about

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