
Alyson Taylor Case Summary

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Alyson Taylor is an Apraxia advocate after her personal experiences with the disorder. In the mid-ninties, she was diagnosed with Apraxia at three-years-old. There was very little known about this speech disorder and, consequently, her parents were very limited in resources and information. She attended speech therapy for thirteen years at her public school as well as a local college that offered speech therapy, California State University of Northridge (CSUN). There was such a deprivation of Apraxia knowledge that Alyson was actually CSUN’s first case study for Apraxia of Speech to help further the school’s Apraxia knowledge and treatments for future generations.

Alyson was able to verbally say her name aloud at the age of seven. However, there was more work to be done. She struggled with verbally communicating the necessary words she was thinking and, later, properly pronouncing difficult letters and words with the “R”-sound. With the assistance from early special-education classes, speech therapy, and her parent’s everlasting support, she was eventually able to verbally …show more content…

She soared-academically, athletically, and socially. She transformed from the girl in special-education courses to the girl with straight-A’s in High-School Honors classes. She was the girl who played water polo for years, even though she was unable to throw a ball more than five-feet in Elementary School. She also became heavily-involved in her local community, such as Girl Scouts, where she received the highest award, The Gold Award, by presenting the need for a marked crosswalk at a dangerous intersection to Burbank’s Traffic Commision. Socially she excelled and became confident in befriending others, despite her speech, and made several friends through her school,personal activities, and even had the occasional

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