Abstract Dementia is considered to be discovered by a German psychiatrist by the name of Alois Alzheimer. This discovery was made during the process of his examination of a patient with unusual behavior. In that discovery he found similarities that are linked to having Alzheimer’s disease. Dementia is known as being a slow, yet steady decline of one’s mental ability. The disease eventually becomes so severe that it will interfere with one’s daily living ability. This is not one specific disease, but a term used overall describing a wide range of symptoms associated with the declination in thinking skills, and memory. There are two major types of Dementia that are most commonly seen. These types are Alzheimer’s disease, and vascular …show more content…
1). It is often described as being a slow, yet steady declination of one’s mental ability that eventually becomes severe enough to interfere with one’s daily living ability. The illness is considered to be discovered by a German psychiatrist by the name of Alois Alzheimer. Dementia is not limited to one specific disease, but a term used as overall way of looking into a wide range of symptoms associated with decline in thinking skills, and memory. The behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) are common serious problems that affect the quality of life for both the patients with such symptoms as well as their caregivers. BPSD present a major challenge in the medical management of patients and are the major cause of institutionalization. Alzheimer 's disease (AD) is the most common type of dementia in Taiwan. A particular study shows that a systematic literature review on BPSD studies and found that Taiwanese patients with AD exhibit many of the BPSD. Studies showed that between 30% and 63% of Taiwan 's AD patients experienced delusion. Hallucination occurred less frequently, which ranged from 21% to 26%. Anxiety occurred in 35-76% of patients and depression 22-50%, sleep abnormalities 26-61% and 39-46%. The differences in the prevalence of BPSD might result from the different clinical settings and evaluation instruments. The
Dementia is a term used to describe a collection of signs and symptoms that happen to the brain when it is affected by the progression of certain diseases such as vascular dementia (when brain cells die due to lack of oxygen) and Alzheimer’s disease (a specific brain disease). Some of the affects these diseases have are on a person’s memory, language and communication abilities, behaviour and ability to make rational judgements.
Throughout this line of study, Alzheimer’s disease is a specific form of dementia. According to Alzheimer’s Association, dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability that is severe enough to hinder daily life. Memory loss is a symptom of dementia and the most common type of dementia is Alzheimer’s. One of the most common and severe symptom of Alzheimer’s is difficulty remembering newly learned information. The changes of Alzheimer’s normally begin in the part of the brain that affects learning (Overview Alzheimer's Association). Some other symptoms of Alzheimer’s include gradual memory loss, the decline in capability to carry out everyday tasks and the loss of their language skills. According to Bialystok the rate of
Dementia is a condition resulting from obtained brain disease and distinguished by progressive decay in memory and other cognitive fields such as judgment, abstract thinking, language, and executive functioning. This disease is usually caused by degeneration in the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain responsible for thoughts, memories, actions, and personality. Death of brain cells in this area leads to the impairments that distinguish dementia. Though the cognitive outline of single diagnosed with dementia vary somewhat by etiology, the degree of deterioration stands for a decrease from previous levels of cognitive functioning and is enough to impede with social and occupational functioning. This downfall is beyond what might be expected from normal aging in a person. It can cause impairment with everyday activities such as dressing, feeding, and bathing.
There are different types of Vascular dementia such as Stroke-related dementia, Single/multi-infarct dementia, and Subcortical dementia. Vascular dementia is the second most common dementia; where the brain does not get enough supply of blood to operate functionally due to the blood vessels being diseased. A healthy brain needs brain cells that can supply blood and bring oxygen and nutrients to the brain. The development of symptoms can vary by person. Mainly is the cognitive symptoms that arise in the early stages such as difficulty following series of directions and problems with making decisions and concentration.
Many people aren’t aware of vascular dementia, and some of those who are aware of it misunderstand the disease. It’s very important to be educated on how the disease could affect you or someone you care about, and how you maybe able to deal with it.
This website provides useful information into exactly what vascular dementia is and how it is diagnosed, treated and includes statistics and facts. The author compares the differences and similarities between vascular dementia and Alzheimer's. Since I was already planning on comparing between the two diseases, I found it extremely beneficial that this website had already done that as it reduced the number of websites I had to visit. This website belongs to Alzheimer's Australia and is aimed at caregivers and people who have to work and/or live with Alzheimer's patients as well as actual Alzheimer's patients.
Dementia has many forms and it is a decline in memory, language and reasoning. Alzheimer’s is a form of dementia. Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder, meaning the loss of function and stability. This is a disease that affects cognitive and physical abilities in the patient. Many people in the world have Alzheimer’s and it is in elders over the age of 65. There are lots of treatments available, but there is no cure for it.
More than 30 million people are affected worldwide, Alzheimer's is the number one cause of dementia. Alzheimer's is a progressive disease that destroys memory and essential mental functions. The brain cells and the actual cells deteriorate and die; the main symptoms are confusion and loss of mind. Dementia follows Alzheimer's; you can’t have one without the other. Dementia, on the other hand, it is not its own disease, it is a group of thinking and social symptoms that hinder everyday tasks. Over 100 years ago a German physician by the name Alois Alzheimer’s
“What is Alzheimer’s disease (AD)?” Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia that affects an individual’s memory, cognition, and behavior disturbances that ultimately diminishes their quality of life.1-2 Dementia is not a specific disease it is a general term for a variety of symptoms that affect memory and intellectual thinking that causes difficulty in our tasks of daily living.(5) The confusion between these two terms is extraordinary. It’s helpful to think of dementia as the symptom and to think of AD as the cause of that symptom. Although, there are many causes of dementia for the purpose of this paper, Alzheimer’s will be the only one discussed.
Alzheimer’s disease was discovered by Alois Alzheimer, a German psychiatrist and neuropathologist. The disease was initially observed in a 51-year-old woman, after her family brought her to Dr. Alzheimer with concerns about her personality and behavior. He detected many unusual symptoms, including difficulty with
Dementia is a term to describe symptoms that has a continuous decline that affects in memory and cognition. Dementia is not a disease it is a category for overall symptoms to identify which disease is most likely depending on how it is affecting the ability to do ADL( Activities of Daily Life). (alz.org) There is many types of dementia such as Alzheimer’s disease, which is the most common disease of dementia, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and vascular disease. (alz.org) The cause of Alzheimer’s disease is a spots of amyloid that blocks communication from nerve cells to other cells until they die off. Alzheimer’s symptoms are ongoing memory loss, behavioral changes, and the loss familiar skills or tasks and Alzheimer’s disease has
Dementias are neurodegenerative disorders and Alzheimer’s disease is just one type. Although the most frequent cause of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease, there are many causes of dementia. Saying someone has dementia is actually not a diagnosis it’s more of a clinical syndrome. Like saying someone has heartburn or a headache, the underlying cause of the dementia must be uncovered in order to classify it. Dementia impairs cognitive function in many different ways. It can involve memory, language, thinking, reasoning, and perception (Radin, 2003, p. 29). Some classifications of dementia include: frontotemporal dementia, dementia with Lewy bodies, Alzheimer’s disease, and vascular dementia, but other degenerative diseases such as Huntington’s
dementia is like Alzheimer’s just not as severe. Dementia has several different types, these include
Dementia is a popular topic to be researched and studied, but still little is known about the disease, its progression, and the cause behind it. Although dementia is typically used as a specific term referring to a disease of the brain it is just an all-encompassing term. The term dementia originates from the Latin
According to the Alzheimer’s Association (2015), Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior. Alzheimer’s disease, a type of dementia, was first discovered by Alois Alzheimer in 1906; in which it accounts for