
Ambiguity In Running In The Family

Decent Essays

It is suggested through Micheal Ondaatje’s Running In the Family that Ambiguity is used to convey and express emotion, through murky selective information in Ondaatje’s vignettes to incorporate a window of doubt. This therefore allows the one who expresses ambiguity to retract their first thought if it where proven to be incorrect. However, when ambiguity is used in excess where the one displaying ambiguity is leading the other to an improper conclusion, the ambiguity causes frustration instead of the original thought in where the one displaying ambiguity no longer can retract there statement while also damaging the perception of mystery and excitement. Mr. Ondaatje’s presented through his father to the reader in a way where excitement and mystery are the predominant traits seen; where the start is exciting and …show more content…

Then the novel suggests Ambiguity expresses excitement and mystery, which in excess can leave to frustration making it difficult to come to acceptance. “I saw my father, chaotic, surrounded by dogs, an all of them were screaming and barking into the tropical landscape.” (Pg.1) The expression of fear, mystery and excitement put into this one in the beginning of the novel unravels Mr. Ondaatje mixed emotions towards his father; Displayed by Mr. Ondaatje use of the sentence that is so ambiguous, that the reader is left with no other option but to question the events of the novel that led up to the thought. In this way, Mr. Ondaatje provided the base for his father as character of mystery and excitement. When someone is displayed in mysterious light, an instant amount of rapport in built, this person is now seen as a someone that has the likeable characteristic,

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