
Ambrose Bierce's Argumentative Essay

Satisfactory Essays

What do I believe? I believe in Ambrose Bierce of what he said. He stated “Humor and entertainment can be found in everyday life.” I believe that, I do also still support Ralph Waldo Emerson. He stated “Living life fully involves being self-reliant and individualistic as opposed to government obedient and conformist.” Ambrose Bierce has a point on what he stated. It is true, anything that you think of or do there is some kind of humor and/or entertainment in it. Like for example you go to a funeral and everyone is sad right? But to make it humorous you think about a good time that you had with that person too not be sad about the situation that is going on.

Ralph Waldo Emerson on the other hand still has a point as well. I also believe

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