
America By Anzia Yezierska Summary

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Anzia Yezierska's non-fiction story, America and I, about her journey as an immigrant in America includes the main characters; Anzia, the Americanized family, an old woman who is Anzias employer, a teacher, and a vocational guidance counselor. The main setting is America, specifically “the American ghetto”. In the beginning of the story, Anzia gives some backstory on where she is from, who she is, and why she’s in America now. She believes once she immigrates to America, life will be easier, she can attain a good job and become rich, live in a beautiful home and have nice American clothes. She thinks anyone can come to America easily get a job, and get rich because people will pity and support immigrants. Unfortunately, the main conflict of the story is Anzia struggling to find that pity. She works as a maid for a while them decides to quit when she doesn't get paid for her work. Then she works for a cranky old woman in a sweatshop where she and her co-workers are required to come to work early in the morning and stay late into the night. Anzia is not paid a fair wage for her exhausting work and is not well fed for a long time before she quits her job, again, and …show more content…

She might not of become a writer, but she would of still learned English from interactions with the family and others when she ran errands. I also believe she would've still gone to the library, in this case for the purpose of learning English, and would have ended up reading about American history. Once the read about it, she would make the connection to herself and realize she was going around expecting pity from people who couldn't understand her. It is likely that even if she stayed with the Americanized family, she would experience a moment where she gives up on the American dream and loses hope because she couldn't find any satisfaction in her

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