
America and World War II Essay

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Was World War II a Good War For America?

One of the most important wars ever fought was World War II. In the midst, the Nazis were in control of most of Europe, the Soviet Union was causing more deaths than any other country, and Japan had taken over parts of China. The United States of America was stuck in the middle of all this. They had to deal with the Nazis and deciding when to join the war, meanwhile,
Japan was breathing down their necks with attacks. What was America to do? What would happen to America, and would this be a “good war” for them? I believe World War II was a
“good war” for America because it made them a higher power like they are today. …show more content…

The US had an embargo against Japan because of their territorial advances threatening US territories in South-East Asia. The Japanese were bound to attack the US and the US knew it, but still did not attack or declare war on Japan until Japan had attacked the US. This shows that the proper chance to avoid war with Japan was given, and that the declaration of war against Japan was necessary. Germany was known to be in alliance with
Japan, and was at war with our allies. Germany was also sinking American ships in the Atlantic.
This justifies the United States in its decision to declare war on Germany. America could see the positive effects this war could have on them at that point.
The war effected every part of American life. Economically, the nation was lifted out of the depression. During the war, full employment was reached, and there was not much on which to spend money. After the war, the US was in better physical shape than any other nation on
Earth. All other industrialized nations had been bombed and attacked extensively, but the US was left virtually untouched. As a world power, the US was forever changed. Never again would
America play the role of the neutral nation. Emerging as the only nation with the power of the atom gave the US the leading role as a super power nation. From the end of the war until now and into the

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