
American Dream Essay

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The American dream is the desire of many students throughout the world for decades because of its strong economics and multicultural society. In other words, studying and living in this country is the dream of many international students. However, one of the most common problems that immigrant students face is dealing with the differences in culture and language. My family moved to the United States more than one year ago. As the time that I arrived in America, I felt overwhelmed, confused, unsure and uncomfortable about everything I was doing here since my biggest problem is the language barrier. As being a new immigrant student, I had gone through a lot of academic challenges, such as feelings of being lost, breaking the ice with my professor and maintaining my confidence to continue my future plans
The feeling of being lost is the first experience that I had dealt in my first semester in America college. I started becoming frustrated about the academic challenges in this new environment, such as language and critical skills. Originally, the language barrier is the biggest obstacle that prevents me from understanding the professor's lectures. In the first few days in Chemistry class, I found myself lost because I almost did not understand what professor said. I glanced around to see what people do. Sometimes my professor cracked a joke that made the class laugh, and I did not understand, but I also pretended to laugh. Moreover, I realized that my lack of English competence

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