
American Education System Analysis

Decent Essays

Do you know what’s the problem with Education system in America?.They lack funding. In average American spends about 50 thousand per inmate while per student gets about about 10 thousand or less. But this isn’t the only problem with the U.S education system a lot all schools fail to prepare students for college, and as well as diversity. Denver south high school is a diverse high school which lacks diversity in classroom but has excellent sports team and clubs. I am a student at south high school and would like students like me that attend here at south to get all the help they can. Although denver south high school is doing well in areas such as being diverse and having well prepared teachers south could improve by getting more funds, have …show more content…

According to wells “how really diverse schools and classrooms are can benefit all students” Wells explains that having a diverse schools and classroom benefits students and help them learn better. “These policy makers have completely ignored issues of racial segregation while focusing almost exclusively on high stakes accountability even our schools have become increasingly unequal”(wells). Wells informs as that there are segregation and inequality in the American schools but the lawmakers are way more focus at things that are accountable for them. However, this isn’t a problem at South, according to Ms.Campbell a teacher here at south: ”South high school has about 71 countries attending ”(campbell) . With so many student of different background attending south, it gives south students a wide range of perspectives from all over. Being diverse is an issue in schools across America and although south has this area covered other schools are having problems with being diverse and need further improving on …show more content…

“Nearly 1.7 million high school graduates took the ACT college entrance exam in 2012 testing their knowledge of four core subjects” colleges will test the students for entrance exams and passing it basically means that your high school prepared u right however “most of the students were not prepared for college or the workforce” schools aren’t preparing students for the workforce of colleges even though the whole purpose of high school is to prepare us for college.

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