
American History: Revolution Causes Essay

Decent Essays

They say that a shot against another man is an act of war, we say it is an act of protection. As Englishmen we must defend our rights. As rebellion struck in Massachusetts on April 19th, 1775.Those first few shots that were made at Lexington and Concord proved what the both of us wanted. Many hoped for the rebellion to die out but it unfortunately did not. Battles proceeded with it and more and more people were separating in their different ways. There were four main options that started to arise, but out of all of them defending our rights is the best. By doing this we are not going against Her (Great Britain) but we are simply asking for what we well deserve. The colonies will not accept the tyranny and being reduced to the status of slaves. We are by all means willing to provide for the mother country, but in return we should be yielded with defense and administration Lastly, it is very important to state that his majesty King George III, is not to blame;Parliament are the ones at fault. The colonies will not accept the tyranny and being reduced to the status of slaves. As part of Great Britain we expect to be treated as equally as our brethren on the other side. What is happening right now is the start of an outrage, and it is only going to get worse if a change does not take place.Many of our men are very displeased and would like to consider war an option. War will never be something that we want to get into with, especially with Great Britain. “We consider

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