
American Imperialism Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

During the 1820s, America felt they had the God given right to expand westward. Later, they adopted this concept, expanding to nations around the world bringing religion, industry, and technology. This new concept was known as American Imperialism, the economic and cultural influence of the United States on other countries, occurring between 1880 and 1920. During the age of American Imperialism, America annexed Texas and Hawaii. They acquired Florida, Oregon County, Alaska, the Louisiana Purchase, Puerto Rico, Philippines, and Guam. America provided business and industry to colonies, brought civilization and religion, and had a duty to protect nations of the western hemisphere. America’s actions were justified during the age of American Imperialism. …show more content…

In 1900, progressive nations brought to the people of Africa, Latin America, and Asia “the foodstuffs and manufactures they need” to have a successful garden spot producing tropical fruits, like pineapple (Doc 1). Along with the progression of businesses, these progressive nations “built canals, railways, and telegraphs,” improving the ability of the nations to sell to outside their boundaries (Doc 1). In other words, with railways, canals, and telegraphs, trade now becomes an easier task. With trade routes readily available, trade between Hawaii and the United States opened up for pineapple. Trade also opened up between Cuba and America for sugar. Furthermore, America improved the most powerful of all business groups, banks. America allowed banks to “make loans to colonies and backward countries for building railways and steamship lines,” (Doc 3). With the ability to now build railways and steamship lines, the colonies’ trade routes will open up, allowing trade with countries across the ocean for valued goods. This business in banking improved the industry in the colonies as there is an easier and better chance for the nations to collect more revenue with a wider variety to sell to; this wide variety is only possible with railways and steamship lines shipping goods across the world. As America …show more content…

For example, President McKinley went down on his knees and prayed to the Almighty God for light and guidance on his actions regarding the Philippines, only to come to the conclusion that they could not leave Philippines to themselves; they were unfit for self-government. America felt that without their guidance, the Philippines would soon have anarchy and misrule. McKinley had no other choice but to take them all, and to educate the Filipinos, and uplift and civilize and Christianize them as our fellow men for whom Christ also died (Doc 4). The Philippines were in desperate need of America’s help. They were in need of the just, humane, civilizing government from America as opposed to the savage, bloody, rule of pillage and extortion from which America has rescued them (Doc 9). Without America’s help, the Philippines would be stuck with an anarchy. America provided civilization and education to colonies. Furthermore, America provided missionaries to colonies full of people described as half devil, half child. The people of these communities were immature with no religion; they needed help. Missionaries went forth to preach a kingdom beyond this world, spreading religion. As other countries needed America’s expertise, America went forth and provided civilization, religion, and education to better the

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