
American Isolationism And Isolationist Policy

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Before the Spanish-American war of 1898, America practiced a foreign policy of isolationism, excluding it to gain influence and territories. Unlike European super powers such as France, Germany, Spain and Britain which had colonies overseas and were involved in international affairs, America decided to avoid international affairs to focus on domestic affairs. This isolationist policy started vanishing when America fought the Spanish-American war, where America facilitated Cuban independence from Spain and claimed former Spanish colony of the Philippines. After the war, America had annexed Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines. This war marked the beginning of the imperialism in America’s foreign policy.
Theodore Roosevelt became president of the U.S. in 1901 and changed America’s isolationist policy to an imperialist policy. Roosevelt believed that expanding territories and having a great naval power were the best way to gain influence and power, he started his interventionist policy aggressively. America had dreamed of building a canal in Central America to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and Roosevelt made this possible. After offering ten million dollars for the canal being rejected by the Colombian government, Roosevelt secretly financed Panamanians who wanted the independence from Colombia to provoke a revolt and gain the independence. Roosevelt signed a deal with Panama giving America the right to build the canal.
Roosevelt implemented an addition to the

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