
American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)

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The association started with 274 members and was led by Mary McMillan. In 1922, the association changed the name to American Physiotherapy Association. In the 1930s, APA introduced the first in its history a code of ethics and men were admitted thus membership swelled to just under 1,000 members.” (apta) With World War II looming on the horizon with Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan and then the national poliomyelitis outbreak during the 1940s and 1950s, physical therapists stood in more demand than ever. The association's membership swelled to 8,000 members and the number of physical therapy education programs across the US increased from sixteen to thirty-nine. By the late 1940s, the association changed its name again to the American Physical Therapy Association, and opened its first office in New York City. With the new office, sections were created to promote and develop specific objectives of the profession. The first two sections were the school and private practice sections. In the 1960s, APTA membership reached almost 15,000, and the number accredited institutions grew nationally to fifty two. Now headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, APTA represents more than 90,000 members throughout the United States. A national professional organization, APTA's goal is to foster advancements in physical therapy practice, research, and education. Currently two hundred thirteen institutions offer physical therapy education programs and three-hundred nine institutions offer physical therapist and physical therapist assistant education curriculums across the United States.” (apta) Physical therapist have seen their profession come from absolute nothing to a thriving career over the course of the twentieth and twenty-first

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