
Physical Therapy Assistant Research Paper

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A Physical Therapist Assistant is someone who carries out task under a Physical Therapist. Physical Therapist assistants help patients regain their mobility, relieve pain, and lessen physical disabilities. There are many reasons why I want to become a Physical Therapist Assistant, but three truly explain why becoming a Physical Therapist Assistant is for me. I have implemented a non-profit organization that helps children cope with disabilities that relate to many different aspects of their lives, I have experienced what physical therapy is like and I know how I can make it more enjoyable for patients, and my passion for working with others to help them live a healthy and happy life.
In May of this year, I will be graduating with a degree in Healthcare Management. I chose to obtain this degree to begin setting me up for my future endeavors. …show more content…

Each month I hold a completely free dance camp for children with disabilities to help with their physical development, social awareness, emotional maturity, and cognitive ability. My ultimate goal is to one day operate my very own physical therapy practice to help children with challenges that they face in their everyday lives. This non-profit organization that I developed has ultimately prepared me for the everyday duties of a physical therapist assistant.
When I was thirteen years old, I severely broke my elbow which doctors thought they were going to have to amputate my arm. I went through years of physical therapy. I did routines throughout the day under the supervision of a physical therapist assistant to regain my movement in my arm. I believe that as a physical therapist assistant, I will be able to provide therapy for all types of individuals through many different arrangements of activities. As a physical therapist assistant I want to bring dance to the forefront as a major therapy

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