
American Politics Research Paper

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In the American society, individuals are, more often than not, displeased with the way that congressmen represent the people. Many Americans believe that politicians focus more on the capital than they do their own district. However, Americans fail to take into consideration the collaborative effort it takes to accomplish things in Congress. Furthermore, Americans need to take into account the things that Congress is able to provide for the people of its nation and the results it has on a political party. Furthering the discontentment with contemporary politics, Americans are split between party lines. This division forces the American nation to steadily suffer from sickening political controversy. Nevertheless, politicians are doing an effective job handling their workload. Notably, Americans are displeased with the members of Congress because of their misconceptions about the way that policy is made. When in the political realm, congressmen must tread carefully in order to have even the slightest forms of success. Structurally, Congress is designed to represent a large variety of views. Because of this structure, passing a bill that all members agree on is tremendously difficult. Furthermore, congressmen must work together to create compromise in order to make progress as a nation. Policymaking is a complex process that is misunderstood by American …show more content…

American politics is structured as a two-party system; this means that there are primarily two political parties that run for elections and develop platforms. This two party system generally means that a win for one party is a loss for the other party. As a result, the American political system is constantly left with disappointment from one party because their party did not have the victory. Instead of showing appreciation for the work that American congressmen accomplish, Americans are angry with the politics of

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