
American Ultr Movie Analysis

Decent Essays

People today say there are no original ideas in movies. If you look at the top grossing films this week you will see a biopic at number one, sequels in second and third, a remake at number four, and at number five it’s an adaptation of an old television show. Now looking at this list I started to notice a pattern that all of these movies are based on already existing intellectual properties. Intellectual property for those of you who do not know is an idea that is owned by the copyright holder. The reason this is a bad thing is because pretty soon the audiences will grow tired of seeing a rehash of the same ideas. If the audiences turn away the movies sales will go down and this will hurt the big 6 studios. The big six studios are Warner Bros pictures, Walt Disney pictures, Universal studios, Columbia studios, 2Oth century fox, and Paramount pictures. It is the opinion of the …show more content…

After the surprise success of Guardians of the Galaxy Marvel tried another gamble that paid off with another lesser known comic book character this time it was Ant Man which all the critics expected to fail but to everyone’s surprise it was a big hit. These two examples are the unusual exception to the rule. Most times when studios try to take a risk it doesn’t work. The most recent example of this is this year’s ‘’American Ultra’’ which bombed terribly despite the good advertisements and promotion. ‘’American Ultra’’ was actually the reason I decided to write this editorial in the first place. Once the movie came out the critics loved it but finically it was a failure earning only a total of 10,488,000 domestically and $1,000,000 Foreign earing only $11,488,000 worldwide. When I found this out it got me thinking about the current state of films and if my prediction are right we are in for bad films. I have already explained why film studios are not taking risk anymore. Steven Spielberg has once said that ‘’the movie industry is about to imploded on itself’’ and in my opinion he was

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