America’s gift to my generation essay by Ryan Entrekin
88% of people in the US graduate high school, 59% of people in the US graduated college, but 100% of people have the opportunity to graduate. The reason I showed you the statistics is because every one can graduate high school. But not all people do so that's why I showed you that. The whole thing matters because everyone needs the education. If you have the opportunity for a good education then take it, like how my mom dropped out of college and now she doesn't have a good job to pay some bills alone. America’s gift to my generation is education.
Everyone in my generation has the opportunity to go to college. And if you don’t go to college then you are wasting your opportunity.
America’s gift to my generation is like an infinite book. There’s a beginning where everything started and there is no ending because there is always something new to write in the book. And for every new chapter there is a new beginning and a new gift.
My great grandfather served in World War Two… fighting for Italy. He later immigrated to America coming from Italy so he could follow his heart and marry my great grandmother, as he did not have the rights to do so in Italy. It was very hard for them to leave all of their friends and family but with each other to lean on they came to America where we stand as one with our rights and got married.
America, it mostly is an amazing continent, or so they for the most part thought. We really take it for granted, not taking care of it, so America, it specifically is an amazing continent in a kind of big way. America however, doesn’t care because it definitely is not a living creature, which mostly is quite significant. But, it still can essentially give some really pretty good gifts, so America, it kind of is an amazing continent, which particularly is quite significant. These kind of are America’s Gifts to my Generation, or so they essentially thought.
¨ It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences¨ (Unknown). Humans should not discriminate others because of what they look like, what religion they are, or even by the color of their skin and that is what this quote is saying to me. I am so grateful to know that I live in a generation that is more accepting than any other. To know how my parents and grandparents and so on had to live with hate from others just because of the their appearance. I do know that my generation still face discrimination, but it is not as bad as the generations before mine. This matters because people can feel comfortable in their own skin and becauses is sets us
America's gift to our generation is freedom, religion, and beliefs in our country. The freedom we have today wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for our soldiers in the military over the years. I appreciate what I have today very much and will continue to appreciate what I have as long as I live.
“I’ve never had bullets fly by my head, but I’ve experienced freedom cause of people who did. Forever thankful to every veteran’s sacrifice.”- Luke. America has given me many gifts, but I’m especially thankful for freedom. Now you’re about to see just how much our country provides.
This quote from Ronald Reagan “Freedom is never more than one generation from extinction. We did not pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for protected and handed on for them to do the same.” Shows that america gave us freedom and now we just have to fight to maintain that freedom. We have recently been learning in history about how things used to be before we had all the freedom we do now and it just makes me realize how lucky we are today to have the freedom we have today and how appreciative of the people who fight for my country.
Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master. I think that its meaning that technology can just make you a dull person and very anti social but it helps you a lot with things. Technology is a certain gift to our generation because there is always something new coming out each year. The new things are like phones because there is always a new one. Some people need technology or they can't function without it. America's gift to my generation is technology.
In my generation teen’s and kids are accepting of people’s sexuality and ethnicity. The gift of acceptance is still slowly opening. Being accepted can lower the percentages of depression and suicides. America’s gift opened up a new world to opportunities for all people. Acceptance is great and i think most people would agree. America’s gift to my generation is acceptance.
America’s greatest gift to my generation is the advanced knowledge of things in our country. We now know how to keep our country safe and strong even if there are conflicts going on all around us. Our increased knowledge from the past conflicts have shown and taught us what to do in sticky situations. Whether it is bad conflicts or just everyday safety precautions, the information helps us get through it. I think our country has greatly benefitted from all of the information we have gathered over the years from things that happened in other countries, and even in our very own country. America now has complete freedom because of the brave men who fought for us. They gave us knowledge of if we ever were in that situation again what to do, and
Do you really know what you have,and i am not talking about phones and stuff like that I am talking about what America gave to you. One day I was asked this question and I did not know what to say at first. I was thinking about that question but i didn’t know till now, but do you.
Here is a quote Laurence J. Peter once said “speak when you are angry- and you’ll make the best speech you’ll ever regret. Is these paragraphs I will be talking about Freedom of speech, the second amendment and freedom to protest.
Americas gift to my generation is the fact that I know that anyone has the rights to do as much as the other. America was built on the principle of freedom and equality. Not very many countries have the same opportunities as America does; and that is because of the brave soldiers and founders of America that either fought politically or literally. We have truly come a long way.
“Education is most powerful weapon you can use to change the world” (Nelson Mandela). What I think this quote mean is that you can use the things learned in your school to fight back against the bad guys and protect our country. Education means that we are lucky to be able to learn and be taught because we can use this to have fun and fight wars against the bad guys and use the things to build and make new things and like iphone pc’s. And mortars and build cars like lamborghinis and other cool cars and traveling places without education I would not even be typing on this laptop or their even wouldn't be an school here cause we would not even know how to handle money and would not know how to fight back again
Imagine if people had only one religion for an entire country sadly that is a reality for many people in especially in communist but i live in america where you can practice any religion. People in power have that same right as all the others in our wonderful country the United States of America. Copious amounts of people are persecuted in a whole slew of countries so they flee to democratic nations such as the US of A so the immigrant bring their cultures and religious beliefs with them which causes a melting pot, firstly.