Lots of people may believe it's the fast food industry's fault why America's obesity rate is rising. You can’t just focus on one situation that's causing the problem. They’re many more causes of obesity. It all depends on the individual and how they want to live life. Nobody is forcing them to enter McDonalds and order a Big Mac. The consumers made the decisions and brought it upon themselves. Fast food does play a big role in the cause of obesity, however consumers have many options to choose from instead of fast food. Consumers have the power on what they want to eat, what they want to feed their children, and where they go to eat. There is a website called healthydiningfinder.com that gives you healthy recipes and healthy restaurants you
As narrator Paul Feine shows different perspectives of how McDonalds is viewed from different countries, one can decide who is to blame.
Today, approximately 1 of every 3 adults in America suffers from obesity. In a world where people are surrounded by fast food 24/7, it is hard to come up with solutions to the growing obesity problem. In David Zinczenko's article Don’t Blame the Eater, written in 2002, he defends people who began suing fast food companies for their obesity. He justifies their choice to do so by pointing out the insufficient access to healthy food, the lack of choices for people who cannot afford to eat healthily, and the absence of information fast food companies provide about their products. These are used to convince his audience that the people who consume fast food are not to be blamed for their obesity because it is the fast food companies that are at
Shannon Brownlee a writer for The Sacramento Bee states that the obesity problem has to do with the meal sizes of the seller. She says that “When they do well economically, we gain weight” (Brownlee, para. 4). Brownlee is trying to say that whenever people buy more and more fast food, the businesses get paid and the consumer gains weight in an unhealthy way. I agree with Brownlee on how businesses give out unhealthy food and do not care about the consumer. When businesses get paid they believe that the consumer wants more so they give what they get and what they give is unhealthy food and what they get is a lot of money. I agree with Shannon Brownlee on how businesses give out unhealthy food and do not care about the consumer. Brownlee is stating
In today’s society a huge issue is that we constantly hear about the food industry in America. We often hear in the news that obesity rates have increased, or that Americans have many diseases that contribute to being obese. “What You Eat is Your Business” by Radley Balko expresses that people are at fault for making such unhealthy food choices. Others argue that the food industry is to blame for being so unhealthy. According to David Zinczenko in “Don’t Blame the Eater” he blames the fast food industry as well as the consumer. Zinczenko asks “shouldn’t we know better than to eat two meals a day in fast food restaurant’s?” (392). So, who is to blame for American’s eating so much unhealthy food? Should it be the consumers’ burden or the fast food companies? On one hand, as consumers we continue to purchase foods that we know are making us overweight. On the other hand, fast food companies continue to offer high in calories foods.
In America today one in three adults are considered to be obese. Over the years the rate of obesity keeps climbing up and up. Some people blame fast-food or the environment Americans live in. After all,someone can purchase a chocolate bar at a bookstore nowadays. But, most people are looking at the incorrect factor to blame. Although the food industry is a huge contribution to obesity in America, people are ultimately responsible for their own health.
McDonald's a fast food company understand the damage in the food they are making but do nothing. Many if not all fast food companies do not feel accountable for their food company causing obesity. They do not care for the people’s health, rather they focus on profit rather on their people. They blame the people of their health when they do not even know the chemicals in their food, making them addicted to every food production
In Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird, she demonstrates that racism is a big problem during the time when this book was written. This story was about a girl named Scout growing up in a small town with lots of racism. A black man get falsely accused with rape, and Scout tries to understand why most people in the town hate black people. When Scout is in class the teacher is talking about how hitler was such a bad guy but Scout remembers that she was at the courtroom acusing all black people are criminals. “She hates hitler a lot … about how bad it was him treatin’ the Jews like that … I heard her say it's time somebody taught ‘em a lesson, they were getting above themselves, an’ the next thing is they think they can do is marry us. Jem
In addition to the many different causes of obesity, fast food receives much of the blame.
The American diet changed over time when fast food restaurants were introduced. The rise of fast food has played a big role in obesity in Americans. Many people buy fast food because it tastes good, despite not knowing the ingredients in the food. Fast food is usually cheap, which attracts more customers into buying them. Majority of foods are frozen, canned, or dries frozen and then they are sent to the fast food restaurant. For example, chemical plants are involved in order to get the taste and smell of the American fast food.
Obesity in America has become a huge problem. No one understands why the obesity rate in America is increasing, but we need to stop it. A lot of obesity rates come from poverty stricken families. Since they do not have the income to buy healthy food; they choose the cheapest fast food place to provide for themselves and their children. The fast food industry is the reason for the obesity rates rising higher each year. They are educated enough to know that people who do not have to money to buy healthy meals will depend on their company.
Greed is an element that is enjoyable for some but burdensome for others. The ones that are greedy obtain what they desire but only in exchange for the sufferings of others. Throughout the novel Animal Farm, Orwell demonstrates many aspects of afflictions for the witless animals. The author, with connections to the Russian Revolution, tries to convey social class superiority, corruption originating from abundance of power and rise of a dictator because of the lack of education. Power, wealth and privileges were basic rights for the elite members which were at the top of the social order.
According to the article, “Attacking the obesity epidemic by first figuring out its cause” by Jane E. Brody, corporations in the food industry are the one causing the problem of obesity. First off salty, fatty, and sugary foods have been introduced to our society since the 70’s. As a matter of fact, “in the 40’s and 50’s” the majority of people actually had to walk to get to places.” Nowadays, people just use cars as a means of transportation rather than walking to get stuff. The food we eat have ingredients like high-fructose corn syrup which increase the risk of diabetes, obesity, and cancer which are devastating.
Fast food restaurants are commonly associated with the topic of obesity. It is not uncommon for these restaurants to be blamed for the growing obesity rate in America, but how exactly do they contribute? Simply, obesity occurs when a
Fast food is responsible for the increase of obesity rates in Western nations. In order to curb obesity rates, government regulation from the local level is necessary. The fast food corporations are responsible for the obesity epidemic because they make false health claims about their food and market heavily to children. But critics of regulation state that individuals, along with their food choices are responsible for the obesity epidemic. But regulation proponents believe that fast food needs regulation because of high obesity rates in poor inner city neighborhoods. In order to curb current obesity rates, local governments must intervene by implementing fast food regulations.
One of the most famous empires in India, known as the Mughal Empire was created by a man known Babur (who was a decent of Genghis Khan). He didn’t have many successes in remaining and conquering central Asia like his ancestors so therefore he decided to try and conquer South Asia. Around 1527 he defeated two of the most powerful forces in India but was not able to turn the territory he gained into an empire. After his death he left that responsibility to his son Humayun, who even through lacked the military genius, was able to gain and have a foot hold in Agra and Delhi (mainly through the help of Persian Military). But it was his son Akbar who is credited for really laying the foundation for the Empire to flourish.