
Amy Chua's Parenting Style

Decent Essays

My parents parenting style is the complete opposite of Amy Chua's. Amy Chua has a list of 10 major things her kids were never allowed to do, and 80% of these things, my parents will let me do. The only thing I could not do is get any grade less than an A, and choose my my own extracurricular activities. "What Chinese parents understand is that nothing is fun until you're good at it". Amy Chua follows this saying but my parents strongly disagree on this. "You do something because it is fun, you do not have to be good at it", states my mother. I agree with my parents, and I think Amy Chua is incorrect on this. "Once when I was young-maybe more than once-when I was extremely disrespectful to my mother, my father called me "garbage" in our Native Hokkien dialect". Amy Chua then goes on to explain that she felt deeply ashamed of herself but knew she really was not "garbage". My parents would never result to this, even in the worst of situations, because they think this is crossing the …show more content…

This is true, as I have personally experienced it with my parents but Amy Chua, like most Chinese parents, will gasp in horror and ask what happened. My parents will tell me that I tried and it was still a passing grade, but Amy Chua's Chinese parenting will have a different solution. In conclusion, Chinese parenting methods, or the method that Chua uses, is too harsh, and maybe even child abuse. Chinese parents may produce more math whizzes than Western parents, but Chinese kids will be mentally and even physically scarred from their parents harsh ways. For example, Amy Chua called her daughter garbage because she could not play a piano song. My parents on the other hand, would have praised me to keep trying and I would eventually get it. For these reasons I believe that the style of parenting my parents use is the correct way to raise a

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