
Amy Tan Two Kinds

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What does a mother should teach to her daughter? Obviously, she has a lot of stuff need to teach. In the both texts, “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan and “Girl” by Jamaica, the mothers are expecting their daughters to have better life and better future. They both worry about their daughters’ future and wonder how they would get ready for the adulthood. On the other hands, daughters are required to follow those guide from their mothers to achieve the aim that their mothers always want. Mother is an especially important role in children's early development, especially is for daughter. The mother may be foreshadowing what kind of her daughter would be in the future, and it depends how mother teaches her daughter.
In the text “Two Kinds”, the mother tries to do best to educate her daughter, and she wants her daughter would be success in the future since it is her duty as a mother. It states, “My mother slapped me. ‘Who ask you to be genius?’ she shouted. ‘Only ask you be your best. For you sake. You think I want you to be genius? Hnnh! What for! Who ask …show more content…

In the meanwhile, the daughter also receive the benefit from those tough practice. She states, “…that the best way to protect their children is by preparing them for the future, letting them see what they're capable of, and arming them with skills, work habits and inner confidence that no one can ever take away” Amy Chua is a typical tiger mother, as how media and society call her. Even though the society does not agree with her parenting style, she absolutely knows about what does parent should know and what does a mother must do. If a mother does not teach her daughter to prepare for the future, then her daughter won’t able to fit in the ever-changing society. Mother has responsibility to guide their daughters how to be success, meanwhile the daughter must be obey those guide as be responsible to their

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