
Amy Tan Two Kinds Essay

Decent Essays

Ziyad Mahammed Composition 2 section 02 Literary analysis # 3 Two kinds In the story “two kinds”, the author, Amy Tan, uses her own point of view as a narrator to state what she has faced and what she feels in her mind all alongside the story. The story is mainly focusing in the complex relationship between mother and daughter. In this story, the narrator, Jang-Mei, resist her bossy mother’s aspiration to make her into a musical prodigy in order to compete with one of her friend’s daughter. In the story, the narrator and her mother face both external and internal conflicts again and again. To breakdown the story, let look at the author begins story with angry tone “ I had a new thoughts, or rather thoughts filled with lots of won’t. …show more content…

“ My mother had traded housecleaning services for weekly lessons and a piano for me to practice on every day, two hours a day, from four until six” (602). From the consequent events come viscous dispute between the two as we get a deeper look into the mother-daughter relationship they share. “ When my mother told me this, I felt as though I had been sent to hell” (602). The author leaves the interpretations and the judgment of the characters and the condition exclusively up to the reader, not by leaving out detail, reasonably giving enough details to show neither character as fully in the wrong. To breakdown the conflict between the mother and daughter, external conflict arises from her mother “ My mother believed you could be anything you wanted in America. You could open a restaurant. You could work for the government and get good retirement. You could buy a house with almost no money down. You could become rich. You could be instantly famous” (599). This external pressure from her mother triggered internal conflict as well “ after seeing my mother’s disappointed face once again, something inside of me began to die. I hated the tests, the raised hopes and failed expectations”(601). The narrator started to think that her mother couldn’t accept her for who she

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