
Amy Tan 's The Joy Luck Club

Good Essays

Between Two Worlds: Chinese Diaspora in America

Stuart Hall points out that “Identity is a production rather than an already accomplished fact.” The quest of the identity is the never-ending journey of every person. As a Chinese, after reading Clifford, Peteet, Halls and other scholars’ articles, a diasporic and often considered as postcolonial discourses- Amy Tan’s debut novel The Joy Luck Club comes to my mind. Amy Tan, as one of the renowned contemporary Chinese American writers, and also as one of the daughters of the immigrants herself, writes several novels revealing situations and reflecting problems faced by the Chinese diaspora in America. Although The Joy Luck Club has been published for more than two decades, the stories inside are still going on in Chinese communities all over the world and worth discussing for. Many of my friends and family also experienced the similar situation or still in the process. Here, the reaction paper uses Tan’s The Joy Luck Club as reference to talk about the Chinese Diaspora’s situation in America and also the shared values of the diasporic situations all over the world.
America is a large melting pot composed of large amounts of immigrants from all over the world. Among all, Chinese diaspora consists of one of the major communities. In the middle of the 19th century, a great amount of Chinese diaspora went to California as indentured labourers. Apart from the economic factors, there was other important tragic consequence due to

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