
An Analysis Of Dr. Martin Luther King's Letter From Birmingham Jail

Decent Essays

Letter from Birmingham Jail was written by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr after he was arrested for participating in nonviolent protests against segregation. The letter was addressed to clergymen who did not approve of his actions. He was trying to explain to them what events lead up to his arrest and why it was important for him, and everyone else, to be involved in. A huge part of his letter was painting a picture of what the racial inequality and segregation was like in Birmingham. This letter was a way for Dr. King to address their concerns. The letter started out with him explaining why he was in Birmingham in the first place. Dr. King was invited there by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. He goes on to say that he found it important to help the people of Birmingham out even though he didn’t live there because the issues they had there directly, as well as indirectly, effect everyone else. After showing why he was there he goes on to explain the process that lead up to the nonviolent action they took. Dr. King then went on to say that he understands many people thought the timing of this was off. He then took measures to explain why they waited so long, that …show more content…

The examples he used and the stories he told to paint a picture not only got people emotionally involved, but he used his large amount of credibility and reason to back it all up. Reading his letter over 50 years later still left me wanting to stand up for the rights of the people in Birmingham. There was a sense of urgency even all this time later. Being able to do that shows that his letter was truly effective. Dr. King made you feel not only for him, but for everyone in Birmingham and everyone who was affected by the racial segregation. He used his words in a way that commanded attention and demanded that you take action which is why I think it was so

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