
An Analysis Of Elizabeth Wardle And Doug Downs State

Decent Essays

What’s the first thing you do before getting started on writing a text? Is it turn on music, get yourself alone in a room, turn on the TV? Whatever it is, everyone has their own writing process. Elizabeth Wardle and Doug Downs state, “…it would seem that if you want to become a more versatile, capable, powerful writer, you need to be pretty aware of which activities, behaviors, habits, and approaches lead to your strongest writing-and which don’t”(170). The writing process has a major effect on the effectiveness of the paper it’s got to do with what it takes you to get the best on paper. My writing process consists of all paperwork, which is related to the writing and music that’ll help me focus. Keith Hjortshoj, the director of Writing at Cornell University, wrote a book called, The Transition to College Writing in which he discusses the writing process in five sections. “Patterns of Discontent” a section that briefly explains how the grading policy has to change due to that the best paper is given an A but really doesn’t meet an A in the rubric. Section two “Process and Product”, which is the most important section, explains how students don’t follow the steps into writing a paper. Prewriting, Composing, Revising, Editing, Release all steps in writing a paper and students only tend to follow composing and releasing. Very few students edit which is the problem Hjortshoj discusses and it’s probably because they don’t know the difference between revising and editing.

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