
An Analysis Of Flowers For Algernon

Decent Essays

Flowers for Algernon was a very intriguing novel about Charlie Gordon, a mentally challenged adult. Throughout the novel, there are numerous references to Carlie’s past with his family. His past intelligence is what primarily causes him to undergo his treatment. However, his past relationship with his family, prominently his mother, alter his abilities to develop emotional connections. His newfound intelligence also complicates his abilities to reconnect with his family and friends from before. Therefore, Charlie’s past had a very powerful influence on Charlie during and after the experiment. During the experiment, Charlie’s intelligence level heavily influenced how he was treated. Before he became an intellectual, Charlie was treated with great disrespect by his acquaintances. Charlie’s coworkers used the phrase “pulling a Charlie Gordon” quite often when insulting another coworker. They used this term to describe a person as unintelligent, or stupid, much like they labeled Charlie. Initially, Charlie did not understand what the term meant, but as he became smarter, he did, and it upset him greatly. Charlie’s change of opinions affected his relationships. Before Charlie went through the experiment, he believed his coworkers, Frank and Joe, were his best friends, as they would take him to parties with them. As Charlie progresses, he realizes they only kept him around to embarrass him, and for a good laugh. (4) Suddenly, during his progression, Charlie’s coworkers take a

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