
An Analysis Of Franklin D. Roosevelt's Speech

Decent Essays

The central idea for Franklin D. Roosevelt’s speech was to ensure the American citizens they had chosen the right leader. Franklin sates it was time to “speak the truth” and time to lead America to its vison of happiness. FDK wants to lay out all his card to the people and expose his ideas to help rebuild America back to its former status of “The Land of Opportunity”.
As cousin of the former President Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin was inspired to follow in his cousin’s footsteps of leading a powerful nation. From becoming Governor of New York City to Assistant Sectary of the Navy and finally to the seat in the White House, Franklin was motivated to replicate Theodore. It is because of his aspirations that Franklin wrote his New Deal with progressivism. …show more content…

FDR’s timing couldn’t have been more perfect. He asked the America people for their faith and trust during a time of resentment toward the federal government. Franklin D. Roosevelt states, “the only thing to fear is fear itself – nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance”. The citizens of America were petrified the Depression would last forever. They were sure the government would never lend a hand to help them off the streets. So, when FDR gave his speech it was the spark that fueled America with hope once again.
Franklin’s speech was no different from former president’s first inauguration speech; however, Franklin wrote the speech to tell the people of the United States they “have not failed”. He inform his fellow citizens that despite Congress’ refusal to help improve the living conditions of the American People, he will try his best to “bring to speedy adoption”, which means to bring in his reforms to help America recovery its losses. He reassures the people they will revive from the greatest national crisis as a nation and be stronger than

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