
An Archaic Interpretation Of The Bible

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The word fornication comes from the Greek word porneia. In the Bible, porneia is roughly translated to sexual immortality which was later interpreted to include adultery, anal sex, oral sex, homosexual sex, sexual possessions, etcetera, by the Christians. Today in the Catholic church, sex is strictly seen as a necessary act needed to procreate the catholic church. They equate the rising interest in sex as a rise of devil’s activity in the world. This is the result of an archaic interpretation of the bible and especially Paul’s work in the new testament. The church condemns sex because it demotes us to animals, and as chosen people of Christ, they adhere to archaic laws to be pure, instead of following a natural way of life.
In the text to the Corinthians, Paul is angered by the sexual immorality practiced in the Christian community. The word porneia is interpreted differently over the years, and one can trace its beginning back to the Hellenistic period, “The usual translations-“fornication” and “sexual immortality”-reflect the breadth and flexibility of the term’s meaning. But they obscure its actual content and connotations” (Harper 383). Around the first century, a majority of the world was Hellenized. With the prominence of Greek culture, it affected the way of life in the Hellenized areas. The Greeks explored all types of sexual activities, which was strictly prohibited by Jewish customs. Everyone except for the Jews in the Hellenized world act on their sexual desires.

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