
An Article On The National Marriage Project

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This article from the National Marriage Project was definitely an intriguing read. It is really astonishing to see all of the statics about marriage, cohabitation, and even divorce. One things that stood out to me in the article, were the graphs. I have always been someone that likes to see visuals. The graphs compare the difference, regarding marriage, between least educated, moderately educated, and highly educated individuals. Throughout all of the data and statistics, one things is certain: The importance of marriage has declined over the years. Although statistics may seem skewed at times, the statistics in this article seem to be very true. The studies have shown that the well educated tend to have more successful marriages and a more stable relationship than the others. Marriage seems to be heading in the direction of luxury. It seems as if, through research, that many couples are successful if they have all of the adequate means that the well educated men and women have. As we look at the statistics, unsuccessful marriages were typically detected within the least educated. Over the past several years, this has spread to the moderately educated. Some of these moderately educated men and women feel as if they are not economically ready and fit to start a family. Several years ago, it was seen that most unsuccessful marriages were seen in the least educated, but unfortunately, this is spreading into the moderately educated. It is extremely eye opening to see how

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