
An Epilogue To Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein'

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“This totally is all your fault Max” “No it ain’t” Max replied to his brother while throwing rocks into a little stream nearby not paying an attention that his brother didn’t respond to his reply. Soon he got extremely bored and started walking not knowing where his brother is at. He had wandered into a den of some sort and suddenly he got pulled into the underwater pond never to be seen again. The beast was scale clad and had features on its head except for a mouth cover with needle-like fangs. The fangs dripped the deep red blood of its first victim of many years. The little brother walked close to the edge of the pond. Releasing that it was water he bent over and scooped as much water as possible into his mouth and released it didn’t …show more content…

The parents reached the water and set their son on the cool cavern floor. They started washing the dust off their hands. They couldn’t see the water beginning to bubble as if it was boiling. As soon as the mother put her hand in the water the cave creature grabbed her hand and brought to the deep parts of the pond and began feasting on her flesh. The father who could now see the creature when his eyes finally adjusted took the little son and ran, but it was no use soon they were also under water.

Sam lost and confused was somehow chained to the cavern’s wall and with a mighty tug, he was able to pull the old chain from the wall. He was scared as something had knocked him out brought him close to an exit. He climbed slowly to his feet and exited the cave. He soon released he was nowhere near the cave opening he had exited into the state of Texas, alone and without food and water. He managed to find a highway he sat and waited for a car to take him to the hospital. He passed out again. He was woken by a doctor to tell him that his parents and other brothers were

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