
An Evaluation Of A Teacher Mentoring Program

Decent Essays

As a professional our job is to make sure that every student has access to an equal to an equal education regardless of their needs, religious, ethnic, or racial origin. Apparently we have a student that is not receiving the treatment that they are obligated to receive by law. This is why it is imperative that we implement an action plan better suites the student and make sure that he has access to the optimal learning experience possible. To make this an enhanced environment, we have included the students in the decision making process to fully engage them. The first step that needs to be taken is that we make sure that we provide collaborative coaching to our classroom teachers. We do not expect our students to do well without being taught and this is the same attitude that we should have about our teachers ' knowledge of methods. It is in the school’s best interest to sure that teachers are attending collaborative teaching seminars, webinars, or classes for their professional development hours. Then when they return to the school implementation of a teacher mentoring program so that they can see how collaborative teaching is applied in a classroom setting and they can also ask questions to their mentor if they need advice. This would foster a lines of communication so that teachers can discuss among one another on what methods work and do not work with that set of students. This would even translate over into the types of assignments that they do well with. This

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