
An Example Of Autobiographical Sketch Of A Teenage Life

Decent Essays

Autobiographical Sketch

I like to think my life is a rather typical teenage life, however, there are many things about me that are rather interesting. At a very young age, I was adopted by my parents, Mark and Karen. Ever since then I have been raised on a farm along with my older sister, Bailey. I have gone to and been raised up in a small church in Jeffersonville, Indiana known as Northside Church of Christ. Every Sunday and Wednesday my family and I go to church. The family and friends I have made growing up in the church are unbelievable. I have made lifelong friendships through my youth group which is known as The Network. My church and the friends I have made from there have made me into the person I am today. I have a passion for serving others and putting people before myself. I am someone who loves people and loves doing what I can to help out in others lives. I enjoy being able to brighten peoples days and just show kindness and compassion. It’s a passion of mine to help others and serve. I have been involved in a total of four mission trips that have been organized through my church along with other service projects. Two of the mission trips I have been to the Dominican Republic and the other two have been to South Carolina. One of the service projects I have been involved in is called Feed The Hungry and I’ve also helped with the Bryantsville Hunger Relief Project. These mission trips and serving opportunities have been life changing for me and really show

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