
An Ideal Husband, Oscar Wilde - Lord Goring and Lady Chiltern

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An Ideal Husband, Oscar Wilde - Lord Goring and Lady Chiltern

‘Discuss how Wilde influences the audience to like or dislike characters’ In my paper, I will discuss two entirely different people, both of whom have entirely different personalities but are both the characters in the play, ‘An Ideal husband’- Lord Goring and Mrs. Chiltern. I will also mention the reasons and ways in which Oscar Wilde has managed to make them liked and disliked by the audience.

Lord Goring

Background info: The beginning of the play is set at Mrs. Chiltern’s home. She is conducting a party and has invited many guests, including all of the main characters in the play, Lord Goring. Lord
Goring is an intelligent, laid back 34 year old bachelor …show more content…

For example: ‘I am not a pessimist. Indeed, I am not quite sure that
I quite know what Pessimism means.’ Responses are also never what the audience expects them to be. For example in Act 1, page 21, when Lord
Goring is speaking to Mabel: Have you missed me? Then I am sorry I didn’t stay away longer. I liked being missed.’

When some tension is in the play, at the end of Act 1 when Robert realizes he is being blackmailed, Lord Goring relieves the tension with his immediate presence at the beginning of Act 2, signaling some hope for Robert Chiltern.

Later, on in the play, when Lord Goring is informed by Robert Chiltern of Robert’s dark past, (he sold a cabinet several years ago and is now blackmailed by Mrs. Chevelry) his personality changes into becoming serious. By doing this, Oscar Wilde influences the audience to like
Lord Goring because although he a comical laid back person, when his friend is in trouble, he will change his character to become what his friend needs, some one serious who understands.

However, the main reason why Lord Goring is still liked although he has turned serious is because this fact is greatly overshadowed by the fact that the change in personality is due to him being a loyal friend and attempting to help solve Robert Chiltern’s problem. Even, when
Lord Goring makes the

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