
An Inside Look in Multiple Sclerosis Essay

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Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis, also known as “MS” is a chronic condition where the immune system begins to destroy the myelin sheath that covers the nerves in the body and affects the brain and spinal cord (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2014). The myelin sheath is used for protection of the nerves in which these nerves aid to transport nerve impulses all over the body (Ruto, 2013). Once the body’s immune system attacks the myelin sheath, it begins to disintegrate which affects the conductivity of the nerve impulse and impedes the message transmission from the brain to the rest of the body (Ruto, 2013). In turn, the impulses are changed which results in problems in the muscle such as weakness, imbalance and spasms and the body could end up …show more content…

Visual examinations may also be used to help diagnosed a patient with MS by observing if the patient has a decreased in visual acuity, changes in visual field, and rapid eye movements (PubMed Health, 2013). Unfortunately for those who are diagnosed with MS can experience a variety of problems. Depending on the location of the scars in the brain, a patient my experience problems with walking with balance, bladder control and constipation, pain, fatigue, depression, sexual issues, and may experience cognitive changes (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke [NIH], 2014). Other symptoms that a person may endure are tremors, weakness in the limbs, difficulties with breathing, headaches and hearing loss (Medical News Today, 2012). As of today, there is not a cure for Multiple Sclerosis, but the goal of treatment is to avoid any sort of neurological impairment (Ruto, 2013). Drugs can be used to help treat MS such as corticosteroids which help decrease inflammation and are frequently used by MS patients (Medical News Today, 2012). Other types of drugs that are used in treating Multiple Sclerosis are interferon’s to slow down the progression of the symptoms, copaxone to help end the attack of the myelin and mitoxantrone which help to protect the patient’s independence and decelerate the progression of disability (Medical News Today, 2012). Living with MS can be stressful, so having support groups can be helpful by sharing feelings and experiences

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