
An assignment on critical analysis of FDI policy and Import Export policy In Bangladesh

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An assignment on critical analysis of FDI policy and ImportExport policy In Bangladesh
MGT-405: International Business

Submitted to:
Mohammad Shariat Ullah
Assistant Professor
Department of Management
University of Dhaka

Submitted by:
Tapash Chandra Paul
Roll: 35
Section: A; Batch: 17th
Department of Management
University of Dhaka

Submission Date: March 23, 2014

Table of Contents

Pages No

(A) Foreign Direct Investment in Bangladesh
1.0 Introduction
1.1 FDI and its Concepts
1.2 Importance of FDI
1.3 Opportunities of FDI in Bangladesh
1.4 Major Obstacles to FDI in Bangladesh
1.5 Suggestion to Attract FDI in Bangladesh
1.6 FDI Policymakers Must Consider the Following Issues


(B) A Review of Import …show more content…

57.3% of the population is under 25, providing a youthful group for recruitment. The country has consistently developed a skilled workforce catering to investor‟s needs.
English is widely spoken, making communication easy.
 Strategic Location, Regional Connectivity and Worldwide Access: Bangladesh is strategically located next to India, China and ASEAN markets. As the South Asian
Free Trade Area (SAFTA) comes into force, investors in Bangladesh will enjoy dutyfree access to India and other member countries.
 Strong Local Market and Growth: Bangladesh has proved to be an attractive investment location with its 146.6 million populations and consistent economic growth leading to strong and growing domestic demand.
 Low Cost of Energy: Energy prices are the most competitive in Bangladesh.
Transportation on green compressed natural gas is less than 20% of the diesel price.
 Proven Export Competitiveness: Bangladesh enjoys tariff-free access to the European
Union, Canada, Australia and Japan. In Europe, Bangladesh enjoys 60% of the market share and is the top manufacturing exporter amongst 50 least developed countries.

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