
Analyse The Factors Which Influence Child Development

Decent Essays

From an early age children are easily influenced by their surroundings and upbringing. Children need to be nurtured especially in there early years as they are some of the most significant years of their lives. While usually the parents are the best caregivers for their children, some circumstances often require that some parents look for part-time or full-time care services.
The childcare centre staff will affect the early development of the children who attend that childcare centre. Choosing the right childcare centre for the child and parents specific needs is very important, as the staff there will become the child’s temporary caregivers. There are many factors that determine whether the child is going to develop a positive or negative effect from attending a childcare centre. Some of these factors are, the amount of time spent at the childcare centre, and the overall quality of the staff and the equipment available (Banks and Banks, 2016).

1. How does development differ in children who went to childcare to those who didn’t?
Attachment and emotional development:
In some cases, young children can often display a range of negative emotions and behaviours when left at childcare, some of these include clinging to parents and crying, and screaming or hiding from the childcare workers after the …show more content…

They can develop this just from simply spending a lot of time away from their parents and spending too much time with many different children. According to a study done by NIH (National Institute of Health) it shows that there is a connection between a child’s bad behaviour and the amount of time spent at a childcare centre. The study also states that children who have spent 10 or more hours in a childcare centre per week are more likely to be more disobedient, argumentative and disruptive when in the

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